It’s that time of year again. The time of fresh starts, new goals, new things, and ultimately new beginnings. I am ready for this year more than any other coming new year. Something about 2020 just seems magical to me. I know this is the year of life change for me. God has got some big plans for me. I am looking forward to all of the opportunities that God will provide. God is leading to me places I don’t even know yet, but I know He’s working on something special just for me. He’s working on something special for you too as you read this post.
I want you to stop what you’re doing right now and pray about your 2020. Think about what you are needing and wanting. Is there something that is stirring your heart or making it hard to focus, family things, have you been waiting for something for a really long time? Pray about those things! I encourage you to keep being faithful in your prayer(s). Faith is trusting in things you cannot see — faith in the waiting and trusting God to do what only He can do and never doubting Him.
I am praying for you right now as you continue to read this post. I am praying for a supernatural awakening in your soul and spirit, your healing, your breakthrough, your new spiritual growth, your relationships, your future significant other, your marriage, your family, I am praying for you. God is going to meet your needs this year and meet you right where you’re at. I just know He will. He is the God of the impossible. Do you feel that? That’s the presence of the Lord and God’s got you. Everything is going to be okay and fall right into place at the exact moment it should. Believe it. Let your faith rise up in Jesus name.
What does my New Year Prep consist of?
I like to keep things simple, so it’s simple: Goal Setting, Self Improvement, and reminiscing all of the good in the previous year and years in this last decade as we begin a new one! If you do not have a New Year Prep or New Years Resolutions thing that you do at the end of each year, I encourage you to just focus on only the good that happened in the previous year and look at where you want to be next year. Once you have that figured out, create a plan that’s going to help you become successful and achieve everything you want to for that year. Forget your past mistakes and look toward the future and live for the now as a better version of yourself.
I don’t believe in New Years Resolutions. Who really sticks to those anyways? What I do believe in though is Goal Setting. Goals are amazing things to have because they make you stay accountable to yourself. If you aren’t much for setting goals for yourself, I encourage you to start setting goals for this next year! I love Goal Setting and find it extremely helpful to accomplishing things I want to get done.
- Grow in my personal relationship with Jesus — This is always a daily goal of mine. I want to be in the presence of the Lord all of the time! I am burning for the Lord and I just want more. Worshipping Jesus is one of my favorite things because I feel like Heaven is opening right before my very mind and spirit. Wow.
- Write More — I am very passionate about writing and reading my thoughts. I always write them down as drafts so I can go back to them later and complete my thoughts. This is a great way to remember exactly what I need to when I want to complete my thoughts.
- Enjoy the little Moments — Everyone knows that all of the little moments in life add up to be all of the big ones in the end. I pay attention and appreciate the little moments in life, but I need to not get so bent out of shape when other people don’t. I need to understand that some people just don’t appreciate everything like I do and I have to be okay with that. Some people may argue that I maybe don’t have to be okay with that and that’s fine too, but you get the point.
- Be Present — It is a pet peeve of mine when someone isn’t fully present around me when I’m with them, so I do not want to be hypocritical. If you are ever with me and I am not fully present, let me know because that is so disrespectful and I don’t like disrespecting people. I’m wasting your time and it’s not a good look.
- Understand that I can’t change people — I have too many thoughts and perceptions of people that make my blood boil and that has got to stop. I am in control of my reactions and not the actions of other people. I need to learn to be okay with that, and if I’m not okay with that I will learn to be content with it. I will never apologize for the way I feel ever because that invalidates not only my heart, but my mind also. I believe you should never apologize for the way you feel.
- Stop overthinking — I overthink every single thing I do. It’s like my brain is running 600mph constantly with no brakes. It sucks. This is a personal problem and I want to gain more control of my mind. I may try meditation or something crazy!
Never stop improving yourself. Every minuscule negative thing that happened to you in 2019, leave it there. This is a new year. I’m going to be cliché and say new year new you. This is the year for personal growth, healing, and your new beginnings! Working on yourself is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Improving yourself for yourself is extremely challenging. It is worth every second and every minute. Remember you are your biggest nemesis, you are also your biggest cheerleader! If anyone can talk you up, it’s you and if anyone can tear you down, it’s you. Don’t let your mind stop you from greatness. Sometimes the only thing that stands in the way of you becoming exactly who you are supposed to be, or reaching your next goal is you! Become more aware of how you treat yourself and the things you choose to believe about you from you because this is huge y’all.
Make sure you are good before helping others. Yes, having a heart for people is wonderful, but you need to make sure you are good before helping others. Burnout is something that affects not only the mind but the body too. Both your mental health and physical wellbeing is crucial to your success as a human being. It is essential to sometimes be selfish with your overall spirit! Don’t over work yourself and listen to your body when it says rest. Rest when you can because you never know what life is going to throw at you. Rest and light your favorite scented candle from Bath and Body works, the one on your night stand that’s never been burned, that one. Self love is very important and as humans we don’t take care of our needs first because we are too focused on other people, but this year you are going to say yes to yourself first. Take care of you first, so you can take care of others later.
- Graduated High School/College
- Started my Career as a Certified and Licensed Dental Assistant
- Got Engaged/Married to the love of my life
- Went on 2 Global Teams with my church. India you were beautiful and changed my life forever. China you were amazing.
- Baptized in the Holy Spirit/Received my Prayer Language
- Water Baptized
- Started this — My Website
- I truly found myself
I’ve learned so much about the world and myself in this last decade, I would have to have a minimum of an eight hour lunch date to tell you all about it and that probably would not include all of the juicy details. My mind is completely blown by the beauty of this world that God created. I have been internally and externally shaken from my core at the goodness and amazement of God. The last two years God really opened up my mind, eyes, spirit, and heart to things above. God radically changed me. I look back at who I was and who I am now, I don’t even recognize the old me. God has a funny way of showing you where He was through the chaos later, and you’re like okay God I see it now. I guess being alive is just an incredible thing. Grateful to have lived another year. I loved this decade.